The Prestige

You may be familiar with the feature film of the same title starring Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale; it’s a mind-binding cerebral thriller about 19th century prestidigitators, or more simply, magicians.

I’m one of those people who enjoys reading the book version of stories that are adapted to the big screen, so naturally I’d been eyeing Christopher Priest’s paperback version of The Prestige for a while, and recently the Kindle version became available so I snagged it. It was a very enjoyable read (although it took me a bit to get through) that tells a significantly different story than the movie portrays– just as complex and dark, but with a greater supernatural twist that truly pushes the imagination. You can’t always say this, but in this case the movie and the book are both great, and I’m officially adding Priest to my list of authors to read more from.